The Summary

I want to trade up a bag of Doritos to the most amazing item possible for a commercial entry into Dorito's Crash The Super Bowl Contest. One can win up to $1 million in this competition. I will donate 50% of any money gained during this experience to charity (for the complete story, scroll to the bottom of this page to the first post).

-Hundreds of Thousands to Charity
-A Super Bowl Ad
-An incredibly unique story

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Far Cry from the Usual

Crash The Super Bowl is an amazingly unique contest put together by Doritos.  I’ve studied its history and watched many past commercial entries.  It’s incredible that normal people can put together such creative and well-produced commercials.  For specifics, check out: .  Seriously, go to this page, find the names of past finalists, and watch some videos on YouTube. If you’re like me, a good portion of your day will be shot.  These videos are hilarious.

Hilarious videos are the norm. In this contest’s history, every single aired commercial has used a humor approach.  It has become the standard, it’s expected, and the vast majority of entrants will use it.   But where’s the fun in seeing what you expected?  Yes, it could still be funny, but you knew it was coming.  And the concept will probably be baby or animal based, yet again.  That was the past, and it worked great then.  This is the now, and people want something new.  Present a new option in a field of the old, and I think people will welcome it. 

When was the last time you saw a commercial based on a REAL story?  It doesn’t happen very often.  A change-up is just what this contest needs.  An inspirational story is that little push many need to remind them of their own ambitions.  People appreciate reminders of their dreams, and they like to see that big ideas are still possible.  It brings them hope that their ideas can succeed, too. As you can see, my commercial concept is quite different than most normal entries. The ideal attributes that I want my commercial to present are basically where I’m starting at, also.  I have hope, I believe big ideas are possible, and I’m trying to purse my idea.  Regardless of how this idea goes, I will maintain that attitude.  These are important outlooks, and I encourage everyone else to live by them as well.  If anyone is willing to post a link to my blog somewhere, it would really help me get this moving.  I would appreciate it so much.  Thanks for reading!

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